This was a sad year because Ken and a few of the kids got really sick and we all stayed home to spare the rest of the family. On Monday we had a fun pie night with the Mann side of the family. My Mom made tons of pies and Dad shared the story of the first Thanksgiving (with some help from Porter) :) It was a lot of fun.
On Thanksgiving, the kids and I put together a last minute meal and had a lot of fun. We all felt very sad for our Dad because he did not leave his bed all day! He is finally feeling a little better and we are looking forward to the hayride today with Papa and the cousins!
Despite the sickness we sure do have a lot to be grateful for! We went around the table and I had the kids tell me one thing they were grateful for, for each year they have been alive. I thought the big kids would have a hard time coming up with so many but I think we all went over! Kyle cheated and counted cousins individually so that would make him about 50! I was so touched by Kenny and McKenna who's gratitude list turned into a beautiful testimony of the truthfulness of the
Gospel and the power of the priesthood. I am sooooo blessed!!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and for nice Uncles who are always available to come over and give blessings and check on us. Thanks to ALL of our family who we love soo much!!!
We missed you! Hopefully next year will go a little better!